How Not to Do Facebook Marketing: A Practical Example
So, it’s been a while since my last post, and as usual, it has taken something exceptional to prompt this one. In this post, I am going to look at an attempt at Facebook marketing that did almost everything wrong and try and explain why.
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The Greatest Mistake You Can Make with B2B Social Updates
The inspiration for this post comes from a client I do some work for from time to time. They are absolutely convinced that they need to be constantly putting out social updates via Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Nothing inherently

Content Marketing: The Risk of Losing Focus
It’s been a while, well several years actually, since I last updated this blog of mine. So figured I would post my first update since 2012! What triggered this event? An article I read today that talks about the content marketing paradox.
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Engagement Empowers: The Key to Social Entanglement
A decade ago, we could get away with the kind of page content which dumped the facts, hit the reader with a hard sell, and then disengaged. Fast forward to 2012, and this is no longer an effective way to use valuable page real estate.
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