The Relationship between Content and Bounce Rate
If you are working as a content writer, then you need to understand what bounce rate is, and what you can do to improve it. In this short blog post I take a look at this important visitor behavior metric in more detail.
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When Content Meets Copy: Converting Traffic
If you want to learn how to make sure that site visitors read to the bottom of a page before clicking away, or how to ensure that they actually see that Facebook like button at the end of your article, then read on.
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Content Writing Standards Revisted: A Framework
Yesterday, whilst talking with another writer who is a friend of mine, the conversation turned to how quite often clients fail to give a proper brief. This is not usually a problem, until there is some form of dispute

Engagement Empowers: The Key to Social Entanglement
A decade ago, we could get away with the kind of page content which dumped the facts, hit the reader with a hard sell, and then disengaged. Fast forward to 2012, and this is no longer an effective way to use valuable page real estate.
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The Pyramid Approach to Fact Packed Content
Have you ever hit a situation where that 400 word article you are writing just doesn’t give you enough room to get your point across? Well, today I would like to share a writing tip which can help with this.
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Crafting Compelling Content: Engagement is Key
As a website content author, I often find it hard to achieve a balance between being concise, and being overly verbose. I naturally lean toward the latter, as this sentence clearly demonstrates! However, I make no excuse for this.

The Anatomy of a Press Release: A Framework
Anyone who is currently working as a content writer will know that one of the hot services right now is press release creation. Unfortunately, a very high proportion of clients, and indeed, writers themselves, do not understand how a

How to Perform Efficient Research: Some Tips
We have all been in the situation where we have to write about a subject that we know very little about. Unless you have well developed research skills, this can be a daunting hurdle to jump before you even start writing.
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